Proudly Canadian Servicing the Globe

Settling-In Assistance

Specializing in every facet of Domestic, Cross-Border and International relocations, our Relocation Specialists ensure that our relocating employees find and are set up with just what they need and want. Welcomehome’s unique “settling in” service reflects the individualism of each transferee by providing customized assistance to relocating employees based on continuous needs analysis. Welcomehome ensures that relocating employees are properly informed and relocate to Canada with all the documentation required by Canadian Federal and Provincial authorities. We also assist them with being processed through the Canadian system for Health Care, Driver’s License, Vehicle registrations, and Social Insurance Numbers.

*As a standard component of any of our accompanied services, a unique username and password will be assigned to each new transferee giving them immediate and unlimited access to our online Destination Login resources. 

Benefits to Corporate Client

Benefits to Relocating Employee

Our relocating clients usually require assistance with many or all of the following; based entirely on their needs, our services cover:
Social Insurance Number

• Explain purpose and role. • Procedure, documentation and location. • Accompany, if desired, or take documentation to HRDC Office so client can minimize time away from work.

Driver’s License

• Application procedure, tests involved, restrictions. • Provide copy of Driver’s Handbook for written test. • Book appointment for road test. • Locations of examination centers and documentation required. • Accompany if desired.

Vehicle Importation and Registration

• Assist with US and Canadian Customs information relative to importing and properly registering a vehicle in Canada. • Accompany, if requested.

Provincial Health Card

• Explain coverage eligibility and restrictions. • Provide application forms. • Provide information on registering and documents required for processing. • Provide private insurance options to clients for periods of non-provincial coverage. • Accompany, if desired.

Banking & Credit Cards

• Overview of banking system • Assist with setting up bank accounts, set up appointments, and provide contacts • Accompany if desired • Advise on documentation in absence of Social Insurance Number • Advise on credit situation and contacts if there is no credit rating in Canada

Health Care

• Research available Doctors and Specialists accepting new patients, based on client specifications and requirements. • Explain procedures for medical visits, emergency wards, walk in clinics, local hospitals, specialists. • Find dentists and eye-care professionals based on client needs, explain payment procedures.


• Provide options to enable relocating client to obtain most competitive rate, even with no history in Canada • Explain various insurance plans – car, house, tenant etc.

Car Lease or Purchase

• Research car dealers – provide options and alternatives to address leasing and buying challenges due to lack of credit rating in Canada

Mortgage Financing & Brokers

• Research Mortgage Financing options for our clients and provide them with recommendations for Mortgage Brokers and financing institutions.

General and Household Requirements

• Research and provide information pertaining to any and all household requirements.

Emergency Information

• Provide clients with Emergency phone numbers. • Information on Police and Fire Departments. • Location of Hospitals and Emergency Services. • Information on Poison Control. • Prepare families for emergencies.


• Research and provide information pertaining to setting up Telephone, Hydro, Gas and Water services. • Research Long Distance phone service providers. • Provide Cable/Satellite television options, set up appointments and installation. • Research Internet providers.

Household Requirements

• Find reputable and reliable contractors for servicing Electrical, Plumbing, Carpentry, Painting and all other General Contractor needs of our clients. • Find Lawn Care and Landscaping services, Cleaning services, Pool services and Snow Removal services for our clients. • Provide information on community recycle and garbage procedure etc. • Provide information and options for Home Security Systems. • Provide information and recommendations on Auto Mechanics and Car Specialists.

Lifestyle and Recreation

• Provide information on places to visit and see in and around city. • Information on Activities and Establishments for Teens and Children. • Research and provide information pertaining to appropriate facilities for fitness and other sporting interests, based on client specifications. • Determine and find appropriate programs and venues for family members such as Swimming, Dancing, Skating, Riding, Golfing, etc. • Provide information and options for any Special Interest Activities or Cultural Events. • Highlight and provide information on Places of Worship. • Find Event Planners for clients. • Provide information and available guides and listings for Theatre and Concert events, as well as Dining and other Entertainment. • Based on needs and interests, provide information on Shopping Areas, Malls, and Specialty Stores. • Research and provide information pertaining to such things as Home Cleaning Services, Interior Decorators, Pet Care, Kennels, Veterinarians, Auto Dealerships, Mechanics, Auto Storage facilities etc.


• Research all Private, Public, Montessori, and Separate schools, and set up appropriate appointments. • Provide curriculum details, school boundaries, specific programs information and more. • Research any special requirements based on children’s needs. • Advise clients on testing requirements, enrollment criteria and required documentation. • Research and investigate higher learning and Adult Education courses. • Provide information on Language and/or Cultural Training courses. • Accompany clients to appointments (if desired).
Read more about moving with children


• Research and provide information on all Transportation and Transit Routes for clients as required.


• Research licensed daycare and pre-school programs that suit specific children’s and families needs, based on proximity to home, scheduling etc. • Set up appointments for clients to view and visit facilities, and accompany (if desired). • Research and provide information pertaining to Nanny Services. • Research summer and other special interest camps. Assist with registration.

Airport Pick up / Drop off

One way pick up or drop off at the airport


**This partial list represents the most commonly requested services, but we excel in catering to our clients’ special and unique requirements. We welcome any and all additional requests.

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