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Relocation Professional

How a Relocation Professional Can Guide Your Company to Diversity

The business world is always changing. As relocation professionals, we have seen major changes in the human resources world first hand. The economy is truly becoming more global than ever before.
Relocation professionals now operate in a much different world than even a decade ago. The impact of globalization, changes in values, demographic changes, growth of a knowledge-based economy, technology, rise of individualism, mobile communications and many factors are all changing the way business operates today. Changes happening in even the most remote regions of the world now have a direct connection to how business operates here in North America.
There’s a growing shift towards companies utilizing a mobile workforce. This shift in philosophy ensures that the right people can be at the right place quickly. Relocation professionals play an important role in facilitating this growth in mobility. Their ability to foresee advantages and potential issues in the growing global landscape is an important service for both internationally-focused companies and mobile employees.
The Internet and mobile communications has opened many doors for mobile employees. Relocation professionals are now able to instantly tap into key information to guide their assignees through the moving process. Their knowledge can help expats and their families avoid potential issues when finding appropriate accommodations, schools, transportation and various other important connections. Guiding expats through the entire relocation process adds an extra layer of comfort and increases productivity.
The knowledge-based economy is quickly changing how business operates. There’s been a dramatic shift from agricultural-based employment to urban non-farming jobs. This trend can be found in North American cities and it’s especially prominent in regions such as China and Africa. Western-based companies are recognizing this international trend and are utilizing this shift in the international workforce for their advantage. The Asian and Eastern markets are growing and this shift is resulting in many new and exciting relocation opportunities.
The demographic makeup of the international workforce is changing rapidly and it’s important for relocation professionals to find opportunities within the changing landscape.
There are some interesting differences between Western countries and their Eastern counterparts. Many Western nations are seeing a decrease in their working-age (15-64) population, but in places such as India the opposite trend is occurring. This makes adding mobility more appealing and it can create a huge competitive advantage in a businesses marketplace.
The middle class is growing in Asian nations. This is another major factor in relocation. This shift has created new found career opportunities for Asian workers in their own backyard. The desire to work abroad is not as prevalent as years past. Many desire careers that allow them to live in their own countries and take advantage of the growing economies in their own respective nations.
The Hays Global Skills Index of 2014 found that Gen Y workers are not as interested in obtaining leadership roles as their parent’s generation. There is a shift in focus towards finding opportunities that promote individualism, more leisure time and a stronger focus towards a healthy work-life balance. This isn’t a knock against Gen Y employees, the career drivers are simply different than the previous generation and it’s important for employers to manage this challenge.
The best way to address the shifting demographic challenges is for a business to diversify their workforce both locally and abroad. A recent PricewaterhouseCoopers survey concluded that 56 percent of businesses found that international diversity in their workforce has helped them to gain new markets and grow their geographic locations.
Over the last decade we’ve seen a shift in the human resources role. Gone are the days where HR only manages hiring, payroll, benefit packages and other administrative functions. Today’s human resource professionals are taking a much more involved and innovative approach to their roles. They are key decision-makers in strategic growth and develop methods to coach and encourage learning and growth. Global mobility is the next logical step in the new human resource landscape. The attraction and retention of a mobile workforce promotes diversity and can lead to sustainable growth and increased profits.
Partnering with a reputable relocation professional will address potential issues such as immigration, networking, planning, and budgeting. Relocation professionals are students of the shifting global economy and are constantly adapting to it. It’s exciting time for employee mobility and diversity and it’s not showing any sign of slowing down.

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